Welcome to AxLand

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Alex Chirin

24 | he/him

I am an artist who likes to create little guys in my computer and make the pictures in my brain real

Artist | 3D Modeller | Animator

for business and/or collab inquiries, please email

[email protected]



click me!


I don’t plug this very often as I absolutely detest this culture of everyone on the internet trying to sell you something at every second, so I’ll say it all here; I do art for a living! It’s the only thing I seem to be any good at!

While it’s worth every minute to have this sort of opportunity, the amount of time I have to experiment and expand in my skills grows lower due to always scrambling to meet deadline after deadline. If it’s within your means and interest, any form of support is appreciated from the deepest cockles of my heart


Want to just throw me a bone n help fund projects and keep food on the table? This is the place!

Hopefully sooner than later I will have some actual benefits available for supporters, so keep your eyes peeled!

My Shop:

Want to support my work and get something physical in return? This is the place!

Currently it is just stickers and Ratboy Genius products, but I plan to soon have more original products available in the near future!